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Everyone at one stage or another in life will rely on a prescribed drug or product to help with a health condition. Whether it's for you or a family member you'll want to find the right medicine for the right price – at the most convenient location. You're where you need to be to learn about your pharmacy benefits.

Cost-saving tips

Mail Order Service

For certain kinds of prescription drugs, you can use our preferred mail order service – CVS Caremark®. Generally, the drugs available through mail order are drugs that you take on a regular basis for a chronic or long-term medical condition. Drugs NOT available at our mail order service are marked as "NM" (not mailed) on your plan's List of Drugs (Formulary).

The CVS Caremark® website offers you the ability to check the status or balance of an order, request a prescription transfer from a retail pharmacy, update personal information, and pay for your order online all within a secure portal.

Our preferred mail order service allows you to:

  • Order up to a 90-day supply of drugs (excluding our Specialty Tier 5).
  • Enjoy free standard shipping, safely and discreetly to your door.
  • Save time and make fewer trips to the pharmacy.
  • Set-up auto refill and renew mail order service at no extra cost.

Usually, you can expect to receive your drugs within 10-14 days from the time the mail order service receives your order. It is recommended that you contact the pharmacy 21 days before your current prescription will run out. This will ensure your order is shipped to you in time. If, at any time, your mail order is delayed, you can contact the pharmacy, CVS Caremark® or Member Services for help.

You may register for our preferred Mail Order Service one of the following ways:

Our preferred mail order service can give you peace of mind knowing you'll have the drugs you need – when you need them. You can also get status alerts by email, phone, or text.

To learn more, please refer to your plan's Evidence of Coverage (EOC). Members may also call the number on the back of their member ID card.

Get your FREE blood glucose meter for UC Health Net members

Find out how you can get your FREE blood glucose meter.

Check first with your doctor, diabetes educator or pharmacist to find out which meter is right for you. Then, take advantage of this offer by calling one of the following telephone numbers. A new meter will be mailed to you at no charge. Call to get your blood glucose meter and start paying lower copays on test strips, right away!

Get more information on your FREE blood glucose meter (PDF)